Introduction to Excel 2007
Introduction :- Microsoft office excel is a most popular and widely used spreadsheet program. It is a powerful tool for analyzing, sharing and managing information to make more informed decisions. Analysis of data involves performance statistical and mathematical calculations (such as totalling, averaging), presenting data in the form of graphs and relating tables of data from one source to generate a consolidated data etc. Excel can be used for a variety of applications. It is commonly used to automate financial statements, business forecasts, inventory control and accounting. The package provides statistical, financial and scientific functions. Therefore, Excel can be used in many scientific and engineering environment to analyze numeric data.
Office Excel 2007 delivers a new, result-oriented interface, enhanced formulae use, rich data visualization, professional looking charts and tables and pivotTable views that are easy to create and use.
New Features in Excel 2007
>. A new results- oriented user interface- The first thing you notice about Excel 2007 is it's new look. The new results oriented user interface makes it easy for you to work in Microsoft Office Excel. Commands and features that were often buried in complex menus and toolbars are now easier to find on task oriented tabs that contain logical group of command. Many dialogue box are replaced with drop-down galleries that display the available options, and description tooltips or sample preview are provided to help you choose the right option.
> Larger worksheet- Office Excel 2007 supports up to 1 million rows and 16 thousand columns per worksheet which works out more than 17 billion cell. Specifically, the office excel 2007 grid is 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns, which provides you with 1,500% more rows and 63,00% more columns than you had available in Microsoft office excel 2003. It enables you to explore massive amounts data in worksheets.
>New file format- Excel 2007 supports new file extention. .xlsx. It also supports the older version file extention. Xls so that user can continue to share thier work with those who haven't upgraded to excel 2007.
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