How can I link YouTube account to AdSense?
Today We are going to know that how to link your YouTube account to AdSense in easy way, step-by-step.
Basically YouTube should not monetize to AdSense before complete YouTube creteria or policy YouTube policy is 1k subscriber and 4k hour watch time complete after you are eligible for monetize or link to YouTube to AdSense, but if you have website rockmoney computer trick, and Android App that easily link to AdSense.
Go-to Your YouTube channel after you click on channel left sidebar after click on channel you can see monetize (if you did not link before so click on learn more option) then you see below
Go to channel tab after click on Monetization box
After Click on Enable you see below what can I do.
Click on start button after second option is sign up in AdSense , if you already sign up then automatically accepted after you will be your YouTube channel linked.
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